¿Cómo se llama la zona teatral de Londres?

Los teatros que forman parte del West End son llamados así ya que se encuentran en la zona conocida como los Theatreland (o la tierra de los teatros), en el centro de Londres, una zona comprendida entre las calles de Oxford Street, Regent Street y la zona de Covent Garden.

¿Cuántos teatros tiene Londres?

En la ciudad de Londres conviven junto a otros espacios culturales, más de 30 teatros. Los más importantes están ubicados en su mayoría en la zona o distrito West End, en el centro de la ciudad.

¿Qué distrito de Londres es famoso por su concentración de grandes teatros?

¿Qué significa West End en español?

West End, wherever you want. Lado oeste, donde tú quieras.

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What is the difference between Broadway and the West End?

Compared to the West End, Broadway has a lot more theatres within its city, each one inviting new musicals/ plays to perform year after year. In London we tend to keep our musicals hin one place.

What are the longest running musicals on Broadway and West End?

The Phantom Of The Opera is the only musical that Broadway and West End can agree on, becoming one of the longest running musicals in both cities. I will be interested in seeing how the upcoming musical Hamilton breaks the West End.

What is the west end of London?

Just as Broadway represents mainstream professional theater in the larger houses of New York City within a specific proximity, the West End is an area of London where their Broadway-caliber shows are staged.

Are there any musicals that never make it to the West End?

There are many musicals that have performed on the stages of Broadway and yet never made it to the West End, for example Tarzan: The Musical, Newsies, The Little Mermaid, Brooklyn The Musical, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying and If/Then, none of which were lucky to cross over the pond.

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