¿Quién mata a Kimimaro?

Después de que Gaara insultara la lealtad de Kimimaro a Orochimaru, el ninja de la Arena utiliza su ataque final, que está dirigido principalmente al campo de batalla entero en una llanura de arena y enterrando a Kimimaro debajo de ella.

¿Cuál es el capítulo de la muerte de Gaara?

La muerte de Gaara (我愛羅の死, Gaara no Shi) es el capítulo #278 del manga Naruto.

¿Qué enfermedad tiene Kimimaro?

La enfermedad que tuvo fue una enfermedad sanguínea, debido a que los de sus clan tenian un Kekkei Genkai de especialida de hueso, esta técnica exigía mucho chakra además mucha cantidad de glóbulos en la sangre, esto para fortalecer sus huesos, esto ocasiono que en el cuerpo de Kimimaro se debilitara debido a la falta …

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How does Gaara beat Kimimaro?

Gaara, however, uses the sand on the ground to restrain Kimimaro and then uses his Sand Drizzle technique followed with a Sand Binding Coffin, although Kimimaro avoids being crushed to death due to his bone density.

How did Kimimaro die?

Kimimaro fought back with a vengeance, eager to finish the fight before his incurable illness could rob him of his life. Too late; just as Kimimaro thrust his bone drill in Gaara’s face, Kimimaro succumbed to his illness, and he dropped dead.

What happened to Kimimaro after the Cursed Seal?

Kimimaro was then trapped and crushed by Gaara’s sand, but survived by creating a layer of bone under his skin. He then activated the first stage of the Cursed Seal of Earth and broke out. Kimimaro admitted that he had underestimated Gaara, but will not make the same mistake again.

Why does Gaara compare Kimimaro’s eyes to Sasuke’s eyes?

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Gaara mentions to Lee that Kimimaro’s eyes remind him of Sasuke ‘s, claiming that their eyes belie the fact that both wish to find the purpose of their existence. Stuck within the sand, Kimimaro reminisces on how he was raised in the darkness, imprisoned in a cell because of his kekkei genkai, only being let out to fight.
