¿Quién le explica a Harry qué es Mudblood?

Ejemplos de uso del término

Persona que usó el término Referido a
Harry Potter El término
Fabricante de los Folletos de la Comisión de Registro de Hijos de Muggles Nacidos de muggles en general
«Los Sangre Sucia y los Riesgos que Representan para una Perfecta Sociedad Sangre Pura» Nacidos de muggles en general

¿Qué significa sangre mestiza?

Sangre mestiza es el término que se da comúnmente a los magos y brujas que tienen padres o abuelos muggles o nacidos de muggles.

Who is Seamus Finnigan?

Seamus Finnigan (b. 1979 / 1980) was an Irish half-blood wizard, son of Muggle Mr Finnigan and Irish witch Mrs Finnigan. Mr Finnigan did not learn this until after they were married and it gave him a «nasty shock» when he first learned it. Seamus was a Gryffindor student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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Who is Seamus Finnigan in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

Seamus Finnigan is a sandy-haired, first-year Gryffindor who has a Muggle father and witch mother. Seamus is sorted into Gryffindor. At dinner, he tells his housemates that he has a witch mother and a Muggle father. He tells them that his mother didn’t tell his father she was a witch until after they were married, which was a nasty shock for him.

Is Seamus Half-Blood or Muggle?

Like many of the witches and wizards at Hogwarts, Seamus is Half-Blood. In his instance, his father was a muggle and his mother was a witch, who didn’t tell Mr. Finnigan about this until after they were married. Understandably, this was pretty shocking to all involved.

Did you know Seamus Finnigan has an Irish accent?

Here are some interesting facts about him. One of the more underrated characters in the Harry Potter franchise is one Seamus Finnigan. He plays a more prominent role in the books than the films, but we still often see him as a moment of comedic relief with an Irish accent during the scenes in which he does appear.

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