¿Quién ganó en el duelo de Yugi y Jaden?

Jaden se encuentra perdiendo el duelo contra la baraja de Yugi, incluso cuando está siendo jugada por alguien que no sabe usarla. Pero, Jaden logra vencerlo usando uno de sus héroes, Dimitri se siente decepcionado al perder, y cree que nunca será un gran duelista, incluso teniendo cartas poderosas.

¿Qué le pasó a Yugi en Yugi Oh GX?

Con el tiempo el pequeño Yugi descubre que dentro del obsequio que le dio su abuelo, también conocido como el Rompecabezas del Milenio, se encuentra encerrado el espíritu del antiguo faraón que trajo paz y tranquilidad al mundo tras encerrar todos los horrores de los antiguos monstruos egipcios.

What’s the difference between Jaden Yuki and Yugi Muto?

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As awesome as Yugi Muto/Yami Yugi is, he never had any formal training beyond that of his grandfather’s teachings. Much of his success is due to the skills and power of the Pharoah (more on that later). In stark contrast, Jaden Yuki had no such privilege.

Is Jaden Yuki a good duelist?

In stark contrast, Jaden Yuki had no such privilege. He started from the ground up, beginning as a not-so-great duelist, his poor exam scores landed him in the Slifer dorms in the school. Over time, however, he became the best duelist in the school.

Could Yugi have beaten Jaden without Atem?

Without access to Atem, Yugi’s still a good duelist (as his win against Atem proves), but he would ultimately be defeated by Jaden, who relied more on his learned skills instead of an ancient power to get where he is. Yu-Gi-Oh! My name is Thomas Lee, but I go by my middle name, Christopher.

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Who has dueled longer Jaden or Yami?

Considering Yami’s time as the Pharaoh and the original «King Of Games», his experience extends to centuries and thus remains unparalleled. Even just factoring in the time when Yami and Yugi were one, he has dueled way longer than Jaden has.