¿Quién fue Tom Hayden?

Thomas Emmett «Tom» Hayden (11 de diciembre de 1939-24 de octubre de 2016)​ fue un activista social y político, muy conocido por su participación en los movimientos antiguerra y de los derechos civiles de los años 1960.

¿Cómo murio Tom Hayden?

23 de octubre de 2016Tom Hayden / Fecha de la muerte

¿Qué pasó con Tom Hayden?

Tenía 76 años. Hayden murió el domingo en Santa Mónica tras una larga enfermedad, indicó su esposa, Barbara Williams. Hayden siguió siendo una voz influyente contra la guerra y pasó sus últimos años como prolífico escritor y profesor, defendiendo reformas en las instituciones políticas de Estados Unidos.

Who is Jane Fonda’s ex-husband Thomas Hayden?

He was married to Jane Fonda for 17 years, and was the father of actor Troy Garity . Thomas Emmet Hayden was born in Royal Oak, Michigan, to parents of Irish ancestry, Genevieve Isabelle (née Garity) and John Francis Hayden. His father was a former Marine who worked for Chrysler as an accountant and was also a violent alcoholic.

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Who is Tom Hayden?

Thomas Emmet Hayden (December 11, 1939 – October 23, 2016) was an American social and political activist, author, and politician.

What is Jane Fonda’s fitness empire?

Fonda’s fitness empire began as a fundraiser for her and ex-husband Hayden’s political action committee. Who: Two-time Oscar-winning actress, activist, and fitness pioneer Jane Fonda, 83, and politician, anti-war activist, and member of the «Chicago 7» Tom Hayden, who passed away in 2016 at the age of 76.

How did Jane Fonda and Hayden Panettiere meet?

How They Met: In 2018 HBO documentary Jane Fonda in Five Acts, the actress described meeting Hayden in the early ’70s «downtown at some theater.» «He put his hand on my knee and I felt this electric shock go through my body,» Fond recalled.