¿Qué significa en inglés patrón?

boss s (plural: bosses)

¿Qué significa patrón en Perú?

Los sustantivos patrón y patrono, cuyo femenino es patrona, proceden del mismo étimo latino y comparten la mayoría de las acepciones referidas a persona, a saber, ‘protector de una colectividad’: «Se rendirá homenaje a san Judas Tadeo, patrón de los hombres de prensa» (Expreso [Perú] 1.10.91); «San Honorato es el …

¿Qué significa la palabra show en espanol?

espectáculo m (plural: espectáculos m)

¿Qué es ser una patrona?

m. y f. Persona que emplea trabajadores .

¿Cuál es el pasado de show?


I showed
you showed
he/she/it showed
we showed
you showed

¿Qué patrón es hoy?

Hoy se celebra la Festividad de San Francisco de Sales, patrón de la prensa.

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¿Qué significa ser patrona en nuestra religión?

Santo elegido como protector de un pueblo o congregación religiosa o civil . 9. m.

What does patron mean English?

Patron means boss. And yes, the real meaning of patron is the real boss of a place, business or organization. So, for example, the owner of a restaurant can be called either jefe or patron by the employees. What does it mean when someone calls you patron?

What does patron mean slang?

What is a patron? A patron is a person who supports and gives money to artists, writers, or musicians. Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences. How do the British say hello? A handshake is still the most common way to greet someone, especially if you are in a formal situation at work.

What do patrons mean?

“Jefe” is informal slang and literally means “chief” and “patrón” is the legal term for employer. It is the word used in the law. The terms used in the Mexican Labor Law are: patrón = employer, trabajador = worker or employee.

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What does patronizing someone mean?

[not before noun]pleased; happy “I passed the test!” “I’m so glad (for you).” She was glad when the meeting was over.

  • grateful for something glad for something She was very glad for her warm coat in the biting wind.
  • glad to do something very willing to do something I’d be glad to lend you the money.