¿Que pensaba Bon Scott de Brian Johnson?

Y luego dijo que vio al tipo en el suelo. Bon pensó que era genial, que era la mejor actuación y el mejor cantante que había visto en mucho tiempo. Pero lo que él no sabía (luego se enteró) es que Brian tuvo un ataque de apendicitis.

¿Quién sustituyo a Bon Scott?

Brian Johnson
El día que Brian Johnson sustituyó por primera vez a Bon Scott. En el RockFM Motel de hoy queremos abrir las puertas recordando uno de los grandes momentos de la música del rock. Cuando un 28 de junio de 1980 Brian Johnson hizo su debut como cantante de AC/DC en directo tras la muerte de Bon Scott.

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¿Qué tipo de voz tiene Brian Johnson?

Brian Johnson
Años activo 1966-presente
Géneros Hard rock, Heavy metal, Blues rock
Instrumento Voz
Tipo de voz Contratenor, Barítono

¿Quién es el actual vocalista de AC DC?

Brian JohnsonAC/DC / Cantante principal

Hoy es un día muy especial para todos los fans de AC/DC, y es que Brian Johnson, su vocalista desde la factura del legendario ‘Back in Black’, cumple la friolera de 74 años. A lo largo de su carrera, el vocalista ha completado no pocos hitos y ha dejado canciones legendarias que pasarán a la posteridad.

What happened to Brian Johnson of AC/DC?

Lead singer Brian Johnson, however, has been unable to join the band due to concerns over hearing loss. In a shocking choice, 80’s metal icon W. Axl Rose replaced Johnson as the new lead singer. A bit of irony exists here. Long-time fans of AC/DC know Johnson, himself, served as the replacement for the original lead singer Bon Scott.

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What did Bon Scott do for AC/DC?

Bon Scott was gone way too soon but even so, he left an indelible mark in rock. He wrote several of AC/DC’s classic hits and he helped them achieve international stardom – too bad he didn’t live long enough to witness the band achieve massive success with “Back in Black”.

What is AC/DC’s “Back in black”?

AC/DC is celebrating the 40th anniversary of their landmark album “Back in Black” but it’s more than just a seminal record for them as it also served as the transitional piece from the Bon Scott to the Brian Johnson era. It was the first album that featured Johnson on the mic following Scott’s untimely and tragic death.

When did Bon Scott take over lead vocals for ACDC?

The first incarnation with Scott represented one of the hottest and iconic hard rock bands of the 1970’s. When Johnson took over on lead vocals, the band launched an enormously hot run in the 1980’s and beyond. Bon Scott (R) propelled AC/DC into the international spotlight with his unique voice and lyrical compositions.

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