¿Qué pasó con Galen Marek?

Galen Marek perdió la vida, pero Palpatine logró sobrevivir. Su sacrificio no fue en vano, pues sus amigos opuestos al Imperio Galáctico fundaron poco después la Alianza Rebelde, que en un futuro destruiría el reinado de terror de los Sith.

¿Cuánto dura el poder de la fuerza?

Teniendo en cuenta la información proporcionada por 32 jugadores, de terminar la historia y completar también los objetivos secundarios del juego junto con todos los logros, coleccionables o trofeos de Star Wars: The Force Unleashed para así terminarlo al 100\%, el juego durará una media de 16 horas y 54 minutos.

Is Galen Marek a Jedi?

Galen Marek, also known as Starkiller, is the main protagonist in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. Galen Marek was taken as a secret apprentice by Darth Vader from his father, a Jedi named Kento Marek, on Kashyyyk during the Great Jedi Purge.

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Why did Galen Marek join the rebellion?

He freed Garm, who told Galen that he would join the Rebellion. Galen Marek and the founders of the Rebellion and The destruction of the shipyard worked to prove to Senators Iblis and Mon Mothma that the Empire could be defeated.

Does Galen die in the Mandalorian?

The explosion combined with Palpatine’s Sith lightning culminated in the end of Galen’s life, though it failed to kill Palpatine, who emerged from the explosion relatively unharmed, along with Vader, crippled in his battle-torn armor. Despite this, however, Galen had thwarted the Emperor’s plans and died a hero.

What happened to Galen’s father in the trials?

Using the Force and other techniques to subdue the Jedi phantom, Galen eventually pulled the Trials’ ghost down and impaled him with his saber. Before the program cut out, the Jedi revealed itself to be Kento Marek, Galen’s father. Shocked by this revelation, Galen watched in horror as his father’s image faded away.

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