¿Qué ocurre cuando Watson y Henry van al páramo a ver si encuentran a Selden?

Cuando la pareja vuelve a su habitación, Sir Henry y Watson van a perseguir al criminal, a pesar del mal tiempo y del aterrador sonido del perro. Encuentran a Selden con otra vela, pero no logran capturarlo. Watson ve la figura de un hombre en la lejanía, pero él también se escabulle.

¿Quién relata la novela desde el comienzo de la misma El sabueso de los Baskerville?

Doctor Watson: Como este es el narrador de la historia se hacen pocas descripciones de él en la novela por no decir ninguna. Por lo que dice Holmes de él, se deduce que es una persona muy activa y compulsiva ya que se lanza a hacer concusiones sin tener los datos necesarios.

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What do you need to know about Sir Henry Baskerville?

Everything you need for every book you read. Everything you need for every book you read. Sir Henry is alleged to be the last surviving member of the Baskerville line and thus heir to Baskerville Hall following the death of his uncle, Sir Charles Baskerville. Sir Henry was living in America until news of his inheritance reached him.

What happens to Sir Henry at Baskerville Hall in Sherlock Holmes?

Spooked, Sir Henry takes his leave and heads back to Baskerville Hall. Sir Henry ends up getting lost, and comes across Holmes and Watson. As another howl is heard, they all turn to see Stapleton standing there, smiling menacingly, with the hound at his heels.

What happened to the Baskervilles family in holes?

Holmes reveals that in 1647, when Sir Hugo Baskerville placed a curse on the Baskerville Family: anyone in the family who wanders out onto the moors at night will be brutally killed by a vicious supernatural hound. After Sir Hugo’s death by the hound, generations upon generations of Baskervilles have been lost to the legend.

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When was the Hound of the Baskervilles published?

Note: all page numbers and citation info for the quotes below refer to the Borzoi edition of The Hound of the Baskervilles published in 2014. Such is the tale, my sons, of the coming of the hound which is said to have plagued the family so sorely ever since.