¿Qué logro Dolores Huerta?

Activista. Impulsora del movimiento por los derechos civiles de los campesinos hispanos en Estados Unidos, Dolores Huerta organizó y fundó el Agricultural Workers Association o AWA (asociación de obreros agrícolas) en 1960.

¿Quién es Dolores Huerta en espanol?

Dolores Huerta es la presidenta de la Fundación Dolores Huerta, y la cofundadora y primera vice- presidenta emérita de Trabajadores Agrícolas Unidos de América, AFL-CIO (UFW). Es madre de 11 hijos, 14 nietos y 6 bisnietos.

¿Cómo fue la infancia de Dolores Huerta?

Cuando Dolores Huerta era una bebé, su familia vivía en un pueblo situado en el norte de Nuevo México. Su padre, Juan Fernández trabajaba en el campo y como minero. Dolores sólo tenía tres años cuando sus padres se divorciaron. Alicia Chávez, su madre decidió trasladarse y sus 5 hijos a Stockton, California.

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How old is Dolores Huerta now?

Dolores Clara Fernández Huerta (born April 10, 1930) is an American labor leader and civil rights activist who, with Cesar Chavez, is a co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW).

What did Dolores Huerta do for civil rights?

American labor leader. Dolores Clara Fernández Huerta (born April 10, 1930) is an American labor leader and civil rights activist who, with Cesar Chavez, is a co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW).

What did Dolores Huerta say was wrong with her teacher?

Dolores Huerta says a school teacher accusing her of stealing another student’s work and, as a result, giving her an unfair grade, an act she considers to be rooted in racial bias. [ citation needed ] Having experienced marginalization during childhood because she was Hispanic, Huerta grew up with the belief that society needed to be changed.

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Is Dolores Huerta still married to Richard Chávez?

Huerta and Chávez never married, but the couple had four children during their relationship. Richard Chávez died on July 27, 2011. The Dolores Huerta Papers are a part of the United Farm Workers Collections at the Walter P. Reuther Library.