¿Qué hizo Zacharias Smith?

Fue comentarista de los partidos de Quidditch, y lo hace de muy mala manera, siendo finalmente reemplazado por Luna Lovegood, quien a pesar de ser pésima, divirtió mucho más a los espectadores con sus peculiares comentarios. Él jugaba como Cazador en el equipo de Hufflepuff.

¿Quién mató a Hepzibah Smith?

Hepzibah Smith murió presuntamente a manos de Tom Sorvolo Ryddle para utilizar su muerte para crear dos Horrocruxes: la Copa de Helga Hufflepuff y el Guardapelo de Salazar Slytherin.

¿Quién interpreta a Adrián Pucey?


Personaje Película
La piedra filosofal (2001) El prisionero de Azkaban (2004)
Parvati Patil Sitara Shah
Adrian Pucey Scot Fearn​
Zacharias Smith

What kind of character is Zacharias Smith?

Zacharias Smith is a minor character in the Harry Potter series. He is often described as «tall,» «blond,» and «skinny,» «with an upturned nose.» He has a bad reputation among Harry and his friends. His year is unknown; he was either in Harry’s year, or at the most a year younger.

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What is Zacharias’personality?

— Zacharias’ overly critical and pessimistic nature [src] Zacharias Smith (b. c. 1979 / 1981) was a wizard who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, who was Sorted into and a member of Hufflepuff House. He was a Chaser on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and a member of Dumbledore’s Army, an organisation taught and led by Harry Potter.

What house is Zacharias Smith in?

Zacharias Smith (b. c. 1979/1981) was a British wizard who attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, who was sorted into and a member of Hufflepuff House. He was a Chaser on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and a member of Dumbledore’s Army, an organisation taught and led by Harry Potter.

What happened to Zacharias Smith after the war?

It is unknown if Smith survived the war, or what happened to him afterwards if he survived. Zacharias Smith was described as a tall, skinny blond boy with an upturned nose. «That Zacharias bloke’s a wart.» — Zacharias’s unpleasant personality [src]

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