¿Dónde está ambientada This is England?

Sinopsis. Esta película ambientada en la Inglaterra de 1982, época de la Guerra de las Malvinas, muestra a un joven de 11 años llamado Shaun (Thomas Turgoose) que después de perder a su padre en la guerra cambia de ciudad.

¿Cuántas temporadas hay de This is England?

This is England ’86
N.º de temporadas 1
N.º de episodios 4
Productor(es) ejecutivo(s) Mark Herbert, Shane Meadows

¿Cuántos capítulos son de This is England 86?

This Is England ’86 destaca como una interesante ficción en formato de miniserie de cuatro episodios que llegó desde Reino Unido en el año 2010 a través de la cadena de televisión Channel 4.

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¿Cuántos capítulos son de This is England 90?

This is England ’90 es una producción en formato de miniserie de cuatro capítulos que llegó desde Reino Unido en el año 2015 a través de la cadena de televisión Channel 4.

Is combo from this is England dead?

Stephen Graham has suggested that This is England could well return depending on creator Shane Meadows – but sadly Combo is well and truly dead. The Boardwalk Empire star spoke to Digital Spy at last night’s 2016 BAFTA TV Awards. On whether Combo is still alive, Graham insisted: «That’s up to Shane but to me, in my mind as an actor, he was dying. »

Who is Combo Gascoigne in this is England?

Andrew «Combo» Gascoigne is the main antagonist of This Is England and a supporting character in ´86, ´88, and ´90. He is portrayed by Stephen Graham .

Who is combo and why is he in jail?

Originally from Liverpool, he was an old friend of Woody and Lol. When Lol’s father Mick abused Lol, Combo confroned the man but was beaten up. At some point Woody and Combo got into trouble and Combo went to prison, taking the rap for Woody.

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What happened to combo and Woody?

When Lol’s father Mick abused Lol, Combo confroned the man but was beaten up. At some point Woody and Combo got into trouble and Combo went to prison, taking the rap for Woody.