¿Cuántos violines Guarneri hay?
Actualmente, se sabe que hay 650 instrumentos Stradivarius mientras que sólo existen 135 violines y un violoncello Guarneri.
¿Cómo se llama el violín más famoso del mundo?
1. – Violín “Le Messie” 1716, Antonio Stradivari.
¿Qué instrumentos construyó Guarneri?
Su miembro más famoso fue Giuseppe Guarneri (1698 – 1744, también conocido como Giuseppe del Gesù) quien fabricó el violín usado por Paganini y que actualmente se conserva en el Museo de Génova.
¿Qué instrumentos construyó G Guarneri?
Estamos en la tercera gran dinastía de los liutai de Cremona, fundada por Andrea Guarneri, quien fuera discípulo de Nicola Amati y que vivió entre 1626 y 1698. Bartolomeo Giuseppe era hijo de Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Guarneri. Construyó unos 200 violines y algunos violonchelos.
Did Giuseppe Guarneri make any violins?
Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Guarneri (1666-1739 or 1740), known as Joseph Guarnerius filius Andreae, was the second son of Andrea. He made possibly as many violins as his father and a few more violoncellos. No violas are known. His work is overshadowed by that of other family members.
Who was Giuseppe Battista Guarneri?
Giuseppe Giovanni Battista Guarneri (1666-1739 or 1740), known as Joseph Guarnerius filius Andreae, was the second son of Andrea. He made possibly as many violins as his father and a few more violoncellos.
Who was Bartolomeo Guarneri?
The most illustrious member of this famous family of violin makers was Bartolomeo Giuseppe Guarneri (Cremona, Italy, 1698-1744), the fifth and last member of the family, grandson of Andrea, son of Giuseppe Giovanni Battista. He is more familiarly known as Joseph Guarnerius del Gesu.
Who was Andreas Guarnerius?
Typical label: Andreas Guarnerius fecit Cremonae sub titulo Sanctae Teresiae 1670 (i.e., under the patronage of Saint Theresa) Pietro Giovanni Guarneri, born in Cremona in 1655, was the elder son of Andrea. Known as Peter Guarnerius of Mantua, he worked there from 1680 until his death in 1720. His violins are esteemed but not numerous.