¿Cuántos años tiene Aberforth Dumbledore?

Aberforth Dumbledore ( e. 1883/1884) es un mago mestizo, el segundo hijo de Percival y Kendra Dumbledore, hermano menor de Albus, y hermano mayor de Ariana.

¿Quién es Aurelius Dumbledore Harry Potter?

En los libros de Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore tiene dos hermanos, Aberforth y Ariana. No hay ningún Aurelius, pero según Animales Fantásticos, supuestamente se trata de un ‘hermano perdido’ de Albus.

¿Cuántos actores interpretaron a Albus Dumbledore?

Richard Harris fue el primer actor que representó al personaje, en las dos primeras adaptaciones fílmicas. Michael Gambon fue el actor que lo representó en el resto de la saga cinematográfica. Jude Law representó una versión juvenil del personaje en la segunda saga basada en el universo mágico.

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¿Cuántos años tiene Newt Scamander?

Un joven Newt Scamander Newton Artemis Fido «Newt» Scamander nació el 24 de febrero de 1897 en Inglaterra. Se le conoce un hermano mayor llamado Theseus. Desarrolló un interés en las criaturas mágicas a temprana edad, ya que su madre criaba hipogrifos.

What actor played Dumbledore?

Sir Richard St John Harris ( 1 October, 1930 – 25 October, 2002) was an Irish actor and singer, who portrayed Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, in the first two film adaptations of the Harry Potter books .

How old is Dumbledore when he dies?

Officially Dumbledore was born in 1881, making him about 115 years old when he died in 1996. There is a lot of confusion about that because prior to J.K. giving an exact date for A.P.W.B.D.’s birth, she had mentioned in an interview that he was «about 150.» Many readers took her at her word. And indeed, it seems wizards can approach that age.

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Did Dumbledore have any brothers?

No. He had a brother, Aberforth, and a sister, Ariana. Credence cannot possibly be Dumbledore’s brother. Now, he might still be a Dumbledore. He could possibly be a cousin, or maybe even a half brother from Kendra after Percival went to prison, and she decided to still give him the surname Dumbledore.

How many actors have played Albus Dumbledore?

In total, there have been 4 actors who have portrayed Albus Dumbledore through various films. Richard Harris – He played Dumbledore for the first two Harry Potter films, and is generally regarded as the best of the four actors who took the role on..