¿Cuál fue la matanza de Amritsar?

La Masacre de Amritsar es el nombre de una masacre ocurrida contra manifestantes que reclamaban la independencia de la India. Fue perpetrada por los soldados del imperio británico el 13 de abril de 1919, en la ciudad del norte de la India llamada Amritsar.

¿Cuántos españoles murieron en la conquista de América?

La Española

Año Autor Cifra
1529-1530 Federman 500
1954 Rosenblat 100
1971 Cook & Borah 8 000
1973 Verlinden 60

¿Cuántos habitantes murieron en la conquista de México?

El debilitamiento del ejército indígena por la viruela fue clave para la caída del imperio mexica. En el caso de México se calcula que mató entre 2 y 3,5 millones de nativos. Y fue un factor clave en la Conquista española.

Who was Reginald Harry Dyer?

Colonel Reginald Edward Harry Dyer, CB (9 October 1864 – 23 July 1927) was an officer of the Bengal Army and later the newly constituted British Indian Army. His military career began serving briefly in the regular British Army before transferring to serve with the Presidency armies of India.

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What happened to General Dyer?

Dyer was met by the Adjutant-General of India, Lieutenant-General Havelock Hudson, who told him that he was relieved of his command. He was told later by the Commander-in-Chief in India, General Charles Monro, to resign his post and that he would not be reemployed.

Was Dyer a hero or villain?

Some submissions to the official inquiry suggested a higher number of deaths. Subsequently Dyer was removed from duty and widely condemned both in Britain and India, but he became a celebrated hero among some with connections to the British Raj. Some historians argue the episode was a decisive step towards the end of British rule in India.

What happened to General Dyer after Jallianwala Bagh?

In 1919, about a month after the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, Dyer served in the Third Anglo-Afghan War. His brigade relieved the garrison of Thal, for which he was again mentioned in dispatches. For a few months in 1919 he was posted to the 5th Brigade at Jamrud. He retired on 17 July 1920, retaining the rank of colonel.

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