¿Cuál es el mortifago más poderoso?

Regulus Black Regulus es considerado como uno de los mortífagos más poderosos de la historia. Formó parte del ejército de Voldemort hasta que quedó desencantado y decidió irse. Consiguió robar el Horrocrux que Voldemort escondió en la cueva junto al mar.

¿Quién es más poderoso que Voldemort?

Harry Potter derrotó a Lord Voldemort. Incluso los fans de la franquicia reconocen que el protagonista de la historia no es el mago más poderoso, aunque tiene mucho potencial. Con sólo 13 años logró convocar un Patronus corpóreo, algo reservado para los magos más habilidosos.

Was Peter Pettigrew in Slytherin or Hufflepuff?

Pettigrew certainly had many traits characteristic of Slytherin. According to Pottermore, he was a Hatstall between Gryffindor and Slytherin, meaning that he was, in the Hat’s estimation, about evenly balanced between them: The only true Hatstalls known personally to Harry Potter were Minerva McGonagall and Peter Pettigrew.

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What happened to Pettigrew after his sorting?

When Pettigrew was Sorted, he was balanced on the edge between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Perhaps he had enough bravery, or potential for bravery, to develop into a true Gryffindor, much as Neville Longbottom did. But what happened after his Sorting? He was taken in by James’s group (and James was a bit of a bully).

How brave was Pettigrew in the main series?

So Pettigrew did not really display much bravery in the main series. But no surprise: this was decades after the Sorting Hat, just barely, though that he had an aptitude for Gryffindor. In the ensuing period, he had developed in quite a different direction.

What does Voldemort say about Peter Pettigrew in Chapter 33?

In chapter 33 of the Goblet of Fire, Voldemort himself praises Peter for seeking Voldemort while he was powerless, caring for him, and helping him return. Voldemort doesn’t actually use the word “courage” anywhere, but he still calls a Death Eater who does not return coward. Pettigrew cuts his own hand to help create a new body for Voldemort!

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