¿Cuál es el distrito más grande de Nueva York?

Queens, el barrio más grande en extensión de Nueva York con 313 kilómetros cuadrados está situado al sudeste de la ciudad, al oeste de la isla de Long Island.

¿Cómo es la ciudad de Queens?

Nueva YorkQueens / Ciudad

Queens es a menudo considerado como uno de los más periféricos de entre los distritos de Nueva York. Los vecindarios orientales tienen el aspecto y semejanza de los suburbios de la parte occidental del condado de Nassau. No obstante, Queens también acoge muchos vecindarios urbanos y varios distritos de negocios.

¿Cuántos condados tiene Queens?

La oficina del Presidente del borough fue creada con la consolidación de los cinco condados, para equilibrar la balanza de estos, respecto del gobierno municipal central.

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Where is Maspeth in Queens?

Neighborhoods sharing borders with Maspeth are Woodside to the north; Sunnyside to the northwest; Greenpoint, Brooklyn to the west; East Williamsburg, Brooklyn to the southwest; Fresh Pond and Ridgewood to the south; and Middle Village and Elmhurst to the east. Maspeth is located in Queens Community District 5 and its ZIP Code is 11378.

When did Maspeth become part of New York City?

Maspeth was first settled by Native Americans for centuries before the middle 1600s and by the Dutch and English after that. It was absorbed by a newer settlement to the east (named, appropriately, Newtown–the present-day Elmhust), became a part of the borough of Queens, and then became a part of New York City in 1898.

What does Maspeth mean?

Maspeth is a residential and commercial community in the borough of Queens in New York City. It was founded in the early 17th century by Dutch and English settlers.

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What is it like to live in Maspeth?

Maspeth, in a western corner of Queens east of Greenpoint and Williamsburg, Brooklyn and west of Middle Village, seems stuck between the grit of Brooklyn and the airy, almost suburban feel that its eastern and southern neighbors, Middle Village and Glendale have.