¿Cuál es el argumento de Mujercitas?

Mujercitas es una novela escrita por la autora estadounidense Louisa May Alcott. La historia se centra en la vida de cuatro hermanas adolescentes con personalidades muy dispares que, pese a las dificultades, intentan superarse así mismas en el contexto de la Guerra de Secesión.

¿Qué enfermedad tiene Beth de mujercitas?

La escarlatina, conocida también como fiebre escarlata, es una enfermedad causada por la bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes del serogrupo A.

Why does Laurie end up with Amy and not Jo?

Laurie ended up with Amy because Alcott decided to make Amy Laurie’s romantic partner. It could’ve been the way that Alcott, often a writer of more scandalous stories, wanted to bring in a little scandal to this otherwise moral story. Additionally, while Laurie loves Jo, he doesn’t quite understand what is most important to her — her writing.

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What did Amy do to Jo’s manuscript?

When the older girls arrive home, Amy gives Jo the cold shoulder. The next day, Jo finds her manuscript missing, and discovers that Amy has burned it. Jo says she will never forgive Amy, because that book was her pride and joy.

How are Jo and Amy different from each other?

While most of the story centers on Jo following her dreams to become a writer, the bonds between the sisters, and their romantic relationships, also help propel the story forward. Jo and Amy are the two March siblings who are most different from one another.

What was JoJo’s opinion of Laurie?

Jo thought the best of Laurie, even encouraging her sisters to let him into their theatre group and to be an active member of it. She always thought the best of him and welcomed him to be part of her family, her inner sphere. However, unlike Amy, she never idolized him. Laurie was as human as she was, and they’d bicker. It made them real.

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