¿Cómo termina la película Despertares?

El final de la película es la escena en que el doctor Sayer ve las grabaciones de su paciente Leonard cuando está en estado catatónico su progreso, mejoría y como va cayendo al mismo estado del cual se despertó, luego entra la enfermera Eleonor y le explica que no debe culparse y que siempre la vida nos da y nos quita …

¿Quién es Oliver Sacks?

(Londres, 1933 – Nueva York, 2015) Neurólogo y escritor británico conocido por sus libros sobre los efectos de los trastornos neurológicos, basados en las experiencias reales de sus pacientes.

¿Qué descubrio Oliver Sacks?

Oliver Sacks
Información profesional
Área psiquiatría, neurología
Empleador Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Nueva York Escuela de Medicina Albert Einstein Universidad de Warwick Universidad Yeshiva Universidad de Columbia (2007-2012)
Obras notables El hombre que confundió a su mujer con un sombrero
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What happened to Leonard Lowe in the movie Awakenings?

Leonard Lowe, starring Robert De Niro, is one the main characters in the movie Awakenings. Leonard Lowe was infected with encephalitis lethargica when he was eleven years old, in 1921. His conditions worsened with time and he started having tremors and losing his capacity to move.

What happened to the real patients in the movie Awakenings?

What happened to the real patients in Awakenings? Malcolm Sayer (Robin Williams) and his patient Leonard Lowe (Robert De Niro). In the film, Sayer uses a drug designed to treat Parkinson’s Disease to awaken catatonic patients in a Bronx hospital. Although Leonard completely awakens, the results are temporary, and he reverts to his catatonic state.

What happened to Leonard Lowe in Sayer?

Sayer runs a trial on patient Leonard Lowe (de Niro), who completely “awakens” and starts to show major improvements, but the experiments soon come across some obstacles that threaten the life quality of the patients who were just starting to deal with a new life in a new time.

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What disease does Leonard Lowe have in the movie catatonic?

Malcolm Sayer (Robin Williams) and his patient Leonard Lowe (Robert De Niro). In the film, Sayer uses a drug designed to treat Parkinson’s Disease to awaken catatonic patients in a Bronx hospital. Although Leonard completely awakens, the results are temporary, and he reverts to his catatonic state. Click to see full answer.