¿Cómo es la personalidad de Draco Malfoy?

Se caracteriza por ser arrogante y hablar arrastrando las palabras. Insulta continuamente a los nacidos de muggles (sangres sucia) o a los que él considera que no están a su altura. Demuestra estar orgulloso de proceder de una familia de sangre pura. Es hijo de Lucius Malfoy, mortífago a las órdenes de Lord Voldemort.

¿Qué MBTI es Draco?

Draco Malfoy: ESTP Espere hasta que su padre se entere de su tipo.

What are Draco Malfoy’s personality traits?

Extroverted. He likes attention and can always be seen around a group of people; not to mention his good people skills in terms of taunting other school fellows especially ones

  • Sensing. Draco is someone who lives in the now and appreciates facts and what is observable rather than pondering on the deeper meaning of things.
  • Thinking.
  • Perceiving.
  • What does Draco Malfoy stand for?

    Per Pottermore, it translates to “bad faith” from old French. The theory that Severus Snape was secretly a vampire circled among Harry Potter fans for years before Rowling debunked it in 2014. But vampires, unlike the supernatural creature Draco has become associated with, never played much of a part in the series.

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    Was Draco Malfoy a misunderstood character?

    Here are a few reasons why Draco Malfoy was not only one of the most misunderstood characters, but also the best. 1. Rebel Who wants a guy like Harry Potter when he is expected to follow the rules and live out this great life, when you can have the bad boy that will do whatever he can to get what he wants?

    How would you describe Draco Malfoy?

    When the series begins, Draco is, in almost every way, the archetypal bully. With the unquestioning belief in his own superior status he has imbibed from his pure-blood parents, he initially offers Harry friendship on the assumption that the offer needs only to be made to be accepted.