¿Qué es una Laurea Triennale?

Programa de grado de PRIMER CICLO – Licenciatura (Laurea triennale)

¿Qué es una licenciatura en Italia?

En Italia la enseñanza universitaria se subdivide en varios ciclos en los cuales se obtiene: Un diploma universitario (Laurea), después de tres años de estudio. Un diploma de licenciatura (Laurea Magistrale), después de cinco años de estudio.

¿Cuántos años dura una carrera en Italia?

La «Laurea» italiana es el equivalente al grado universitario, con una duración de tres años y un plan de estudios de 180 créditos ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).

What is a laurea degree in Italy?

The Laurea, which is equivalent to a Bachelor of Science in the European university system, is an undergraduate degree obtained after a three-year programme of study. The requirement for admission to first cycle degree (laurea triennale/corso di laurea di primo livello) is the diploma awarded at the end of secondary school.

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What is a laureato degree?

A graduate is known as a laureato, literally «crowned with laurel .» In the early Middle Ages Italian universities awarded both bachelor’s and doctor’s degrees. However very few bachelor’s degrees from Italian universities are recorded in the later Middle Ages and none after 1500.

What is a laurea magistrale degree?

The Laurea Magistrale degree, which is equivalent to a Master of Science in the European university system, is obtained after two years of graduate studies and aims to provide rigorous, advanced training in specific sectors. A first cycle degree is required for admission.

What is the legal title for a la Laureati?

Laureati are customarily addressed as dottore (for a man) or dottoressa (for a woman), as are holders of at least a laurea (Legge n. 240/2010 art. 17 comma 2 Riforma Gelmini). This is in contrast with the convention in countries where the title of doctor is restricted to holders of a PhD (or in some cases to medical doctors).

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