¿Cuál fue el legado de Helen Keller?

Helen Keller fue la primera sordomuda y ciega en licenciarse en la universidad, un logro atribuido también a su maestra, que estudió con ella durante toda la carrera. Pronto las discapacidades de Helen dejaron de ser un problema, y durante toda su juventud se mostró decidida a ir a la universidad.

¿Qué fue lo que hizo Helen Keller?

Helen Keller fue una autora, activista, y oradora que nació el 27 de junio de 1880 en un pequeño pueblo de Alabama, EEUU. Ella nació sana, pero a los 19 meses de edad, tuvo una congestión cerebral que la dejó ciega, sorda, e incapaz de hablar.

How did Helen Keller change the world?

Helen Keller changed perceptions of what it means to be blind and deafblind. She fought for the rights of those with visual impairments, including greater employment opportunities. This archive represents a powerful vehicle to continue the work begun by Keller and AFB to build a more inclusive world.

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What lessons did Helen Keller teach us?

We realized this was an important moment to share Helen Keller’s extraordinary life story, and the many lessons she left us: perseverance, service, determination, compassion, inclusion, and the ability to change the world. Helen Keller (1880-1968) worked for the American Foundation for the Blind for 44 years, and today, we continue her legacy.

How is Helen Keller’s story captured in her own voice?

Her story is captured in her own voice through the letters, photographs, and artifacts available in the fully accessible Helen Keller Archive. Currently, over 163,000 digital images are up on the website, and more are coming.

What is the Helen Keller archive?

Helen Keller (1880-1968) worked for the American Foundation for the Blind for 44 years, and today, we continue her legacy. Her story is captured in her own voice through the letters, photographs, and artifacts available in the fully accessible Helen Keller Archive. Currently, over 163,000 digital images are up on the website, and more are coming.

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