¿Cuántos Dodge Charger usaron en los Dukes de Hazzard la película?

Sin embargo, pocos saben que durante las siete temporadas de “Los Dukes de Hazzard” se utilizaron unos 320 General Lees, unos 320 Dodge Charger, de los cuales apenas una veintena han sobrevivido, pues los autos eran bastante maltratados en la escenas de las persecuciones y, especialmente, en las secuencias de los …

¿Cuántos autos se usaron para los Dukes de Hazzard?

El General Lee en números En total se usaron entre 300 y 325 Dodge Challenger 69 durante la filmación de la serie. Al finalizar la filmación solo sobrevivieron 18 coches en condiciones de uso. El General era la estrella del show y recibía, aproximadamente, 35,000 cartas al mes.

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¿Cuánto cuesta el auto de los Dukes de Hazzard?

Es uno de los 309 modelos originales que se crearon para la serie de los años ’70 y ’80. Su precio en Estados Unidos ronda los 150 mil dólares.

¿Cuántos caballos tiene el General Lee?

El General Lee de Dukes of Hazzard Su potente motor V8 de 7.0 litros rendía 431 CV a 5.000 rpm y 664 Nm de par máximo a 4.000 rpm.

¿Quién manejaba al General Lee?

Coltrane, los primos Duke se caracterizan por conducir un Dodge Charger 1969 conocido como General Lee.

What kind of car was used in the Dukes of Hazzard?

The ‘General Lee’ on public display, one of several Dodge Charger automobiles used in the filming of the American television series, ‘The Dukes of Hazzard’, 1979-1985. Photo by Schmendrick CC BY-SA 3.0

What happened to the Dukes of Hazzard Lees?

John Schneider at the 2010 Sacramento Autorama. Photo by Nick Ares CC BY-SA 2.0 When the Dukes of Hazzard was canceled, there were still 18 General Lees on the CBS lot. They sat for about five years until someone had the idea of selling them off.

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How many cars were wrecked at the 1969 Dodge Chargers show?

In the beginning, a couple of cars were wrecked by flipping over during a jump until ballast, in the form of sand bags or concrete, was put in the trunk. It is believed, according to Road & Track, that more than 300 1969 Dodge Chargers were totaled during the run of the show, many because of bent frames from jumping.

Where can I buy Dukes of Hazzard memorabilia?

Jones has founded a chain of stores, Cooter’s Place, in Nashville and Gatlinburg, Tennessee and Luray, Virginia selling Dukes of Hazzard memorabilia, clothing, toys, and household goods as well as Confederate flags, clothing, and other items.