¿Quién fue Toynbee Hall?

Toynbee Hall fue un lugar de encuentro para los reformadores sociales, entre ellos los socialistas fabianos, quienes junto con Beatrice Webb y su marido, Sidney Webb, pusieron las bases intelectuales para la creación del Partido Laborista británico y del socialismo democrático.

¿Quién es Samuel Barnett?

Samuel Augustus Barnett (08 de febrero de 1844 – 17 de junio de 1913) fue un Anglicana clérigo y reformador social que estaba particularmente asociado con el establecimiento de la primera establecimiento de la Universidad, Toynbee Hall, en este Londres en 1884.

What is Toynbee Hall?

Toynbee Hall continues to strive to bridge the gap between people of all social and financial backgrounds, with a focus on working towards a future without poverty. Shortly after their marriage in 1873, Samuel Barnett and his wife, Henrietta, moved to the Whitechapel district of the East End of London.

What was John Profumo’s contribution to Toynbee Hall?

John Profumo dedicated much of his time to the Hall from the 1960s onwards after the Profumo affair forced him out of politics. Social reformers from the United States, such as Jane Addams and Gaylord Starin White, visited Toynbee Hall, which inspired their work to establish Hull House in Chicago and Union Settlement in New York City, respectively.

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Which social reformers visited Toynbee Hall?

Social reformers from the United States, such as Jane Addams and Gaylord Starin White, visited Toynbee Hall, which inspired their work to establish Hull House in Chicago and Union Settlement in New York City, respectively. Sir Nicolas Bratza, was a volunteer at Toynbee Hall’s Free Legal Advice Centre in the 1970s.

Why is it called Toynbee Park?

This principle is reflected in the decision to name it after the social reformer, Arnold Toynbee, who had died in 1883, aged 30. As Henrietta Barnett explained, the name would be «free from every possible savor of a mission.»