¿Qué día nació Mahoma?


Mahoma محمد Muḥammad
Nombre nativo أَبُو القَاسِم مُحَمَّد بنِ عَبد الله بنِ عَبدِ المُطَّلِب
Nacimiento 26 de abril del 570 La Meca, actual Arabia Saudita
Fallecimiento 8 de junio del 632 (62 años) Yazrib (Arabia), hoy en día Medina, en el Hiyaz (Arabia Saudita)
Sepultura Sagrada Cámara Profética y Cúpula Verde

¿Cómo se llama el tío de Mahoma?

Abu Tálib
Abu Tálib era tío del profeta islámico Mahoma. Hay un gran debate entre los eruditos musulmanes sobre si murió siendo musulmán o no.

¿Cómo se llama el abuelo de Mahoma?

Abd al-Muttálib (también Abd el-Motaleb, Abdal Muttálib o simplemente Abdal) fue el abuelo de Mahoma, profeta fundador del Islam.

¿Quién es Hamza en el Islam?

Hamza era el hermano menor del padre de Mahoma.

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Who was Hazrat Abdullah (Ra) bin Rawaha?

Then we have the companion of the Holy Prophet (sa), Hazrat Abdullah (ra) bin Rawaha who was a renowned poet of Arabia and was also known by his title of “Poet of the Messenger (sa) ”. After the Battle of Badr had ended, he was the one who delivered the message of victory to the people of Medina.

Who was Abubakar Abdullah?

Abdullah was the eighth among the ten sons. (1) He was much different than his siblings in terms of looks and character. As soon as he came into this world, the Holy Prophet’s (PBUH) noor that shone on his father’s forehead passed to his. This noor brought out a magnificent beauty and an exceptional cuteness/sweetness to his face.

How was Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud similar to the Holy Prophet (SA)?

Hazrat Alqamah relates that Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas‘ud’s behaviour, his good character and his moderation in his practises were similar to those of the Holy Prophet (sa). Hazrat Abdullah bin Masu‘d’s son, Ubaidullah, relates that he [Abdullah bin Mas‘ud] had a habit of waking up for the Tahajjud prayer at night when everyone else was asleep.

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Who was Abdullah bin Mas‘ud?

Abdullah bin Mas‘ud was a confidant of the Holy Prophet (sa); he would prepare the bedding of the Prophet (sa) and would carry the Holy Prophet’s Miswaaq (short dry twig used to clean teeth) and also carry his shoes.
