¿Cuánto es el récord de meditacion?

Actualmente el record de meditación con máximas conexiones en directo está en 58 mil. Lo superaremos entre todos! Trabajar en equipo con un mismo propósito de conseguir la paz mental: cuantos más seamos, más efectivo será.

¿Qué es el Estado Tukdam?

El estado de tukdam es aquel del devoto que está apenas a un paso de convertirse en un Buda en la vida real. Se especula que el sujeto es un lama tibetano llamado Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov y que nació en 1852.

¿Cómo se medita en el budismo?

La posición clásica para meditar consiste en cruzar las piernas hacia adelante y poner las manos sobre los muslos, pero en realidad no interesa que estés sentado o no, siempre y cuando te sientas cómodo y tu espalda esté recta para poder respirar profunda y plenamente.

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Who is Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov?

The mystery of Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov, a mummy whose body defies time has amazed the world. Born in 1852, Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov began his religious education at the age of 16. He studied in Anninsky Datsan, a Buddhist university in Buryatia now in ruins and earned degrees in medicine and philosophy.

Is Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov dead or Alive?

Some Buddhists monks believe Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigilov has reached nirvana. They discovered that their spiritual leader’s body was still in the lotus position. What was most astonishing was that hid body was still perfectly intact, having defied nature’s imperative to decay.

What happened to Dasha-Dorzho Itigilov’s body?

It was first in 2002 that the body of Dasha-Dorzho Itigilov was transferred to Ivolginksy Datsan and publicly unveiled for the first time, 75 years after his death in 1927. The lamas who opened the coffin wore surgical masks, but they need not have.

What is the significance of Itigilov?

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in 2003, the Buddhist community decided to recognize Itigilov’s body as a sacred object to the Buddhists of Russia. Many Buddhists see Itigilov as still living and interact with him as such. During World War One, Itigilov set up a number of hospitals helping wounded soldiers, while presiding over Buryat brothers.