¿Quién fue Charlie Munger?

Charlie Munger es uno de los mejores inversores de la historia. Hombre de negocios y filántropo estadounidense, es mundialmente conocido por ser socio de Warren Buffett y vicepresidente de Berkshire Hathaway, firma con la que ha obtenido un éxito notorio.

¿Cuántos años tiene Charlie Munger?

98 años (1 de enero de 1924)Charlie Munger / Edad

¿Quién es el socio de Warren Buffett?

Bill Gates
Julian RobertsonTom Cousins
Warren Buffett/Socio / Socia

¿Qué recomienda Warren Buffett?

Buffett recomienda que, si ganas dinero con una inversión, no cojas el beneficio y salgas corriendo, sino que las reinviertas. Él hizo lo mismo de adolescente cuando, asociado con un amigo, invirtieron en máquinas de pinball.

What is Charlie Munger’s stance on crypto?

At a Daily Journal conference in Los Angeles, Munger reiterated the famed financial duo’s hatred of crypto. «I certainly didn’t invest in crypto. I’m proud of the fact that I avoided it.

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What did Charlie Munger say about Tesla?

Billionaire investor Charlie Munger once told people at a lunch «all the ways Tesla would fail,» Elon Musk recounted. Musk said the Berkshire Hathaway vice chairman’s comment made him «quite sad.» Tesla is currently the world’s most valuable carmaker with a market capitalization of $954.3 billion.

Did Charlie Munger just blame Warren Buffett for bitcoin?

The 98-year-old, right-hand man to Warren Buffett blasted bitcoin and other digital currencies in an interview at the Daily Journal’s annual meeting. When a shareholder asked Munger if he was “willing to admit he missed something” by not investing in crypto, Munger let loose.

What did Munger say about China?

The billionaire investor also had praise for China and lamented the deterioration in diplomatic ties between Washington and Beijing. Munger said that Americans should not criticize China because “they do some things better than we do.”