¿Cuánto dura el día que la Tierra se detuvo?

1h 44mThe Day the Earth Stood Still / Duración

¿Cuando el mundo se detiene película?

The Day the Earth Stood Still (película de 2008)

The Day the Earth Stood Still
Fotografía David Tattersall
Montaje Wayne Wahrman
Protagonistas Keanu Reeves Jennifer Connelly Jaden Smith Kathy Bates John Cleese Kyle Chandler
Ver todos los créditos (IMDb)

¿Qué pasa si la Tierra deja de girar alrededor del Sol?

A estas alturas, la extrema gravedad del sol haría que el planeta adoptara una forma ovalada y el magma comenzaría a filtrarse a través de la corteza. Alrededor del mediodía, la Tierra se desgarraría, sangrando roca líquida cuando las temperaturas alcanzarían los 3.800 grados. Nuestro planeta ya no existiría.

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¿Qué pasaría si la Tierra dejase de girar?

Sin la fuerza centrífuga derivada del movimiento de rotación, quedaría la fuerza de gravitación, lo que generaría una redistribución de la gravedad que alteraría el equilibrio de los océanos. Se formarían dos enormes océanos en torno a los polos, separados por un único continente.

Is Gort a real robot?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gort is a fictional humanoid robot that appeared first in the 1951 20th Century Fox American science fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still and later in its 2008 remake.

What does Gort stand for?

Gort ( The Day the Earth Stood Still) Gort is a fictional humanoid robot that appeared first in the 1951 20th Century Fox American science fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still and later in its 2008 remake. His depiction varies between film adaptations, however, the original character was loosely based on the character Gnut,…

What is the name of the robot in day the Earth Stood Still?

Gort is a fictional humanoid robot that appeared first in the 1951 20th Century Fox American science fiction film The Day the Earth Stood Still and later in its 2008 remake. His depiction varies between film adaptations, however, the original character was loosely based on the character Gnut,…

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What is the power of Gort?

Gort can also operate highly complex machinery, and is both the pilot and captain of the ship that delivers Klaatu to Earth – all of his «race» have similar ships that they use to patrol the planets. Seemingly unarmed, Gort is in fact armed with a laserlike weapon that is projected from beneath a visor on his head.