¿Quién fue Sandy Greenberg?

Emilio Vallesvidrio nos cuenta la historia de Sandy Greenberg, un joven que a los 21 años perdió la vista por un glaucoma mal diagnosticado y Arthur Ira Garfunkel, un estudiante de arquitectura y cantante del coro, quien acompañaría a Sanford en una gran travesía.

¿Cuál es el mensaje de la canción The Sound of Silence?

Significado de The Sound of silence En concreto, la canción habla del silencio como un cáncer y viene a defender que los problemas sólo pueden resolverse sin esconderse y con honestidad.

¿Quién escribio los sonidos del silencio?

Paul SimonLos sonidos del silencio / CompositorPaul Frederic Simon es un cantante, músico y renombrado compositor musical estadounidense.​ La carrera musical de Simon se ha extendido por más de seis décadas. Es ampliamente considerado como uno de los compositores más aclamados en la historia de la música popular. Wikipedia

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Who is Sandy Greenberg?

Sandy majored in art, theater, and mass communications in college. She moved from St. Louis to Los Angeles after getting divorced. Greenberg did her first pictorial for «Playboy» in the January, 1987 issue as her popular alter ego Maxine Legroom, who was a funky distaff variant on the famous cult character Max Headroom.

What did the doctor say to Sandy Greenberg?

“Son,” the doctor had told him a day earlier, “you’re going to be blind tomorrow.” Sandy Greenberg was just 20 when he first heard those gut-punching words in a Detroit exam room, but they remain seared in his mind, just like the lasting image of his wife of 55 years, Sue.

How old was Sandy Greenberg when he first heard those words?

Sandy Greenberg was just 20 when he first heard those gut-punching words in a Detroit exam room, but they remain seared in his mind, just like the lasting image of his wife of 55 years, Sue.

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What happened to Maxine Greenberg from Playboy?

She moved from St. Louis to Los Angeles after getting divorced. Greenberg did her first pictorial for «Playboy» in the January, 1987 issue as her popular alter ego Maxine Legroom, who was a funky distaff variant on the famous cult character Max Headroom. Legroom was also featured in a dance video and comedy spots for the Playboy Channel.