¿Quién fue Robert Motherwell y qué características tiene su obra?

Robert Motherwell fue uno de los referentes del expresionismo abstracto norteamericano, movimiento en el que triunfa la pintura como campo de experimentación plástica basada en el trabajo sobre su propio medio: el color y las dos dimensiones del plano pictórico.

¿Cuál fue la primera pintura abstracta?

Dans le cercle
Es cuando Kandinsky pinta su primera obra abstracta, Dans le cercle, una acuarela de 1911, que actualmente se encuentra en el museo de la capital de Georgia.

Who is Robert Motherwell?

Robert Motherwell (January 24, 1915 – July 16, 1991) was an American abstract expressionist painter, printmaker, and editor. He was one of the youngest of the New York School, which also included Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock, and Mark Rothko.

Why did Robert Motherwell paint in California?

Due to the artist’s asthmatic condition, Motherwell was reared largely on the Pacific Coast and spent most of his school years in California. There he developed a love for the broad spaces and bright colours that later emerged as essential characteristics of his abstract paintings (ultramarine blue of the sky and ochre yellow of Californian hills).

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What did Motherwell do in the 1950s?

During the 1950s, Motherwell spent most of his time lecturing and teaching, notably at Black Mountain College in North Carolina. It was during this time he worked on his most influential literary achievement, «The Dada Painters and Poets: An Anthology» (New York, 1951).

Where did Robert Motherwell paint Pancho Villa?

The sketches Motherwell made in Mexico later evolved into his first important paintings, such as Little Spanish Prison (1941), and Pancho Villa, Dead and Alive (1943), both in the MoMA collection). This is a part of the Wikipedia article used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA).