¿Que le hizo Itachi a Sasuke?

A lo largo de la infancia de su hermano, e incluso en el momento de su muerte, Itachi expresaba su cariño hacia Sasuke golpeándole suavemente con los dedos índice y corazón en su frente. A pesar de todas sus acciones traicioneras, Itachi sólo lo hizo para proteger a Sasuke y Konoha.

¿Cómo se llama lo que le hace Itachi a Sasuke en la frente?

Obito, poco después se da cuenta de que Sasuke posee el Amaterasu de su hermano en su ojo izquierdo, esto lo hizo Itachi para proteger a su hermano de Obito (según el manga, cuando Itachi le tocó la frente a Sasuke le dio sus dōjutsus y programó el Amaterasu para que cuando Sasuke viera el Sharingan de Obito, el …

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What volume is Itachi and Sasuke brothers in Naruto?

Itachi and Sasuke, Brothers ( 兄と弟, Itachi to Sasuke) is volume 25 of the Naruto manga. » Konoha Comrades!! » ( 木ノ葉の仲間!!, Konoha no Nakama!!)

Why did Itachi kill Sasuke’s brother?

Itachi put on a pretense of wanting to steal Sasuke’s eyes and become even more powerful, but Itachi soon realized his intentions for Sasuke had backfired – his brother hadn’t learned from the loss of his family, but become consumed with a need for revenge. Around the same time, the elder Uchiha brother also realizes his death is imminent.

What’s the difference between Itachi and Sasuke?

Itachi has Shisui, the work, and a quiet, pleasing little life. Sasuke has lights, noise, and everything moving at breakneck speeds. When viewed through a screen, everything seems to happen somewhere else. Itachi is doing all he can to hide his past, and the reason why someone like he, is now a servant.

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Why did Itachi poke Sasuke on the forehead?

Impressed by Itachi’s skills, Sasuke asked Itachi to teach him something, but Itachi, as always, refused by poking him on the forehead and promising to help him later. As they returned home, Sasuke marvelled at the Uchiha clan ‘s accomplishments as explained to him by Itachi.
