¿Cuál fue la primera ópera inglesa?

Alrededor de 1683, John Blow compuso Venus and Adonis, a menudo considerada la verdadera primera ópera en lengua inglesa. El sucesor inmediato de Blow fue el mejor conocido Henry Purcell.

¿Cómo se llama el género que fue creado por los ingleses en los siglos XVLL y XLX?

La novela es un género literario que cobró auge en Inglaterra a partir del siglo XVIII, con autores como Jonathan Swift y Daniel Defoe, considerados los «padres» de la novela inglesa.

¿Qué ciencias nacieron en el siglo 19?

El siglo XIX verá nacer la medicina experimental de Claude Bernard, la teoría de Omnia cellula a cellula de Rudolf Virchow, la teoría microbiana de la enfermedad, la teoría de la evolución de las especies de Charles Darwin, y la genética de Gregor Mendel.

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What is the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas?

The Gilbert and Sullivan Operettas Our group is dedicated to performing the joint works of Sir W.S. Gilbert (1836-1911), playwright and humorist, and Sir Arthur Sullivan (1842-1900), unofficial composer laureate of England and favorite of Queen Victoria.

When were Gilbert and Sullivan operas first recorded?

The first commercial recordings of individual numbers from the Savoy operas began in 1898. In 1917 the Gramophone Company (HMV) produced the first album of a complete Gilbert and Sullivan opera, The Mikado, followed by recordings of eight more.

How is La traviata different from other Gilbert and Sullivan operas?

It is different from the other Gilbert and Sullivan operas in that it ends with a broken-hearted main character and at least two reluctant engagements, rather than the usual plethora of happy marriages. However, Gilbert finds plenty of opportunity to introduce comedy into his libretto.

How did Gilbert and Sullivan influence the English language?

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For nearly 150 years, Gilbert and Sullivan have pervasively influenced popular culture in the English-speaking world, and lines and quotations from their operas have become part of the English language (even if not originated by Gilbert), such as » short, sharp shock «, «What never?