¿Qué aportes hizo Florence Nightingale a la enfermería?

Florence Nightingale es considerada la madre o precursora de la enfermería moderna. Promovió el cuidado del ambiente para facilitar una pronta recuperación de los enfermos, pues gracias al trabajo desempeñado con los pacientes pudo percatarse de las variables que eran causas por las que enfermaban o morían.

¿Qué invento Florence Nightingale?

Gráfico circular
Polar area chart
Florence Nightingale/Invenciones

¿Cuál es la teoria del entorno de Florence Nightingale?

Nightingale considera el entorno la principal herramienta terapéutica de Enfermería. La enfermera debe ser capaz de manipular la Naturaleza y mantener estos elementos en equilibrio. Mediante la adaptación del entorno, la Naturaleza puede actuar sobre la persona [seguir leyendo].

Is Mary Seacole the real Florence Nightingale?

Meanwhile that of Florence Nightingale has taken an undeserved knocking, as Lynn McDonald explains. Jamaican-born Mary Seacole (1805-81), voted top of the list of the 2004 ‘100 Great Black Britons’ poll, is now slated to replace Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) as the true ‘heroine’ of the Crimean War.

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Was Mary Seacole a pioneer nurse?

Aims: The purpose of this article is to correct inaccurate information about both Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale, material that promotes Seacole as a pioneer nurse and heroine, while either ignoring Nightingale or trivializing her contribution.

What did Florence Nightingale do in 1853?

But Florence went to Germany in 1851 to train as a nurse there despite her family’s disapproval. In 1853, through family connections, she ran an ‘Institution for sick Gentlewomen in distressed circumstances’ in London. The Crimean War began too in 1853. Reports soon came back from there of thousands of soldiers, dying in terrible conditions.

What happened to Mary Seacole?

Like Florence Nightingale, she wanted to help out in the Crimean War. The British Government would not take her on as a hospital nurse there – some say they rejected her because of her colour. Others report that she applied too late – after the nurses had already set off to Crimea. In any case Mary Seacole refused to take ‘no’ for an answer.

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