¿Qué pasó con Linda Sobek?

El fotógrafo Charles Rathbun, de 39 años, ha sido declarado culpable de la violación y asesinato de la modelo Linda Sobek, de 27 años. Los hechos ocurrieron en California, en noviembre, del año pasado. Sobek abandonó su apartamento de Playa Hermosa para asistir a una sesión fotográfica, y nunca más volvió.

¿Quién es Linda Sobek?

El crimen de la modelo Linda Sobek es, quizás, el menos conocido. A sus 27 años se encontraba en lo más alto de su carrera y buscaba consolidarse en la televisión. Pero el 9 de noviembre de 1995, Sobek no regresó a su casa tras una sesión de fotos.

What happened to Linda Sobek?

Details: Linda Sobek was a beautiful five-foot-four blonde actress and model whose career was finally taking off when she vanished. She had an upcoming role on the FOX sitcom Married…With Children, but she failed to make her costume fitting.

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Did Charles Rathbun kill Linda Sobek?

Charles Rathbun was found guilty of the first degree murder and sexual assault of Linda Sobek. He was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. It is clear that Charles made up a story to try to explain away some of the evidence but the reality was that he wanted Linda and when she didn’t want him, he raped her and killed her.

Will Lisa Rathbun testify at the Sobek trial?

He said Rathbun would testify at the trial. Sobek, a 26-year-old model and former Los Angeles Raiders’ cheerleader, disappeared just before Thanksgiving last year, touching off an intensive search. On Nov. 24, Rathbun led authorities to her body, buried in a shallow grave in the Angeles National Forest.

What happened to Tarek Sobek?

Though he initially claimed that he accidentally hit Sobek with his car while showing her how to do doughnuts during a photoshoot, the first Los Angeles Times article reported that he later claimed the asphyxiation was an accident that occurred during an argument. The trial ultimately found him guilty of first-degree murder and sexual assault.

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