¿Qué pasó con British Petroleum?

El 20 de abril de 2010 explotó y se hundió la plataforma petrolífera Deepwater Horizon de la multinacional British Petroleum en el Golfo de México, la cuenca oceánica entre este país, Cuba y Estados Unidos.

¿Qué es el BP de una empresa?

“El rol del business partner (BP) ha evolucionado con el tiempo, convirtiéndose en un aliado estratégico de la alta dirección que se encarga de generar valor al negocio mediante la gestión de talento, pues se encarga de alinear la estrategia de la compañía junto con la del área de Recursos Humanos”, agregó Charlie Hall …

¿Cuánto tiempo duró el derrame de petróleo de la British Petroleum?

87 días
El incidente en el pozo Macondo provocó el derrame de 4.9 millones de barriles de petróleo en el Golfo de México durante 87 días, contaminó la costa estadunidense desde Texas hasta Florida, con lo que superó el desastre causado por la petrolera Exxon en Alaska en 1989.

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Who is Tony Hayward?

Former executive of the oil and energy company BP, who was replaced by Bob Dudley. Tony Hayward was born in England, United Kingdom on Tuesday, May 21, 1957 (Baby Boomers Generation). He is 64 years old and is a Taurus.

How old is Tony Hayward from Glencore?

Tony Hayward was born in England, United Kingdom on Tuesday, May 21, 1957 (Baby Boomers Generation). He is 64 years old and is a Taurus. He worked for Glencore International to oversee environment and safety. He used to work as a rig geologist after receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh School of Geosciences.

Why is Tony Hayward being criticised by Rahm Emanuel?

Mr Hayward is criticised by White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for taking time off to go sailing. In an interview with ABC News, Mr Emanuel says it has «just been part of a long line of PR gaffes and mistakes».

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What does Gordon Hayward think about the Gulf of Mexico oil spill?

In an interview with Sky News, Mr Hayward says he is not overly concerned by the amount of oil that is flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. «I think the environmental impact of this disaster is likely to be very, very modest. It is impossible to say and we will mount, as part of the aftermath, a very detailed environmental assessment as we go forward.