¿Cuántas películas de Jumper hay?

Estreno de “Jumper 2” (Jumper 2: The movie) está previsto para el año 2024. Jumper nos cuenta acerca de un muchacho con el poder de teletransportarse, desde y hacia cualquier parte del mundo.

¿Por qué los paladines matan a los jumpers?

Jackson), comandante de los Paladines, una sociedad secreta de fanáticos religiosos que han jurado rastrear y matar a los «Jumpers», ya que según su lógica, la omnipresencia de los «Jumpers» es considerado una blasfemia contra Dios.

¿Por qué los Paladines matan a los jumpers?

¿Qué es el jumper de la placa base?

Los jumpers son pasadores eléctricos utilizados en las placas madres (motherboards) y algunos dispositivos, tales como discos duros para activar, regular o desactivar funciones específicas de un sistema que no son accesibles por medio del software.

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Who is Millie Harris in jumper?

Millie Harris is the wife of David Rice and the second protagonist of the Jumper series. Davy first meets Millie Harrison a college student at a Broadway revival show of Sweeney Todd in New York. He is instantly smitten with her. During the show Millie explains that she is staying in the city for the rest of that week.

Who is David Rice’s wife Millie Harrison?

Millie Harris is the wife of David Rice and the second protagonist of the Jumper series. Davy first meets Millie Harrison a college student at a Broadway revival show of Sweeney Todd in New York.

How does Millie Harrison first meet Davy?

Davy first meets Millie Harrison a college student at a Broadway revival show of Sweeney Todd in New York. He is instantly smitten with her. During the show Millie explains that she is staying in the city for the rest of that week.

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What condition does Millie have before they take their relationship further?

Through Millie has one condition before they take their relationship any further: Not to lie to her. «That wasn’t the case with Mark. I couldn’t trust him not to lie. If I ever found out you have whatever we have together is over.» ~ Millie explains her history with her ex